Page 68 - FBL AR 2019-20
P. 68

Fermenta Biotech Limited
           Annual Report 2019-20

            Risk                          Mitigation

            Competition risk              The Company largely operates in the regulated markets which have high entry barriers.
            Increased competition could   Moreover, its products are competitively priced because of its ability to effectively
            dent profitability.           optimise costs, resulting in the creation of a protective moat.

            Innovation risk               Over the years, the Company has been prudently investing in a state-of-the-art R&D
            The products may lose         centre, enabling it to provide a strong and relevant pipeline for scheduled launches.
            relevance in the market.

            Foreign exchange fluctuation   Since around 80% of the revenues are earned in foreign currency and a majority of the
            risk                          debt for pharmaceutical business is in foreign currency, the Company enjoys a natural
            Currency volatility could     hedge to a large extent.
            significantly impact the
            profitability of the Company.

            Environment risk              The Company continuously monitors regulatory changes to ensure compliance with all
            The risk of causing harm to   applicable regulations. Further, the Company plans to proactively upgrade technology
            the environment and not       and equipment, continue conducting training programs on environment-related subjects
            being in compliance with the   and keep providing preliminary education on operations with high environmental
            environmental norms.          impacts, such as the management of waste materials and the handling of chemical

           Human resources                   Internal control systems and their   Cautionary statement
          Fermenta believes that its competitive   The internal control and risk management   This statement made in this section
          advantage lies within its people and   system is structured and applied in   describes the Company’s objectives,
          the human capital is the Company’s   accordance with the principles and   projections, expectation and estimations
          biggest asset. The Company’s people   criteria established in the corporate   which may be ‘forward looking statements’
          bring to the stage a multi-sectoral   governance code of the organisation.   within the meaning of applicable
          experience, technological experience and   It is an integral part of the general   securities laws and regulations. Forward–
          domain knowledge. The Company’s HR   organisational structure of the Company   looking statements are based on certain
          culture is rooted in its ability to subvert   and involves a range of personnel who act   assumptions and expectations of future
          age-old norms in a bid to enhance   in a coordinated manner while executing   events. The Company cannot guarantee
          competitiveness. The Company always   their respective responsibilities. The   that these assumptions and expectations
          takes decisions which are in alignment   Board of Directors offers its guidance and   are accurate or will be realised by the
          with the professional and personal goals   strategic supervision to the Executive   Company. Actual result could differ
          of employees, thereby achieving an ideal   Directors and management, monitoring   materially from those expressed in the
          work-life balance and enhancing pride   and support committees. The control and   statement or implied due to the influence
          association. The employee count stood at   risk committee and the head of the audit   of external factors which are beyond the
          524 as on March 31, 2020.         department work under the supervision of   control of the Company. The Company
                                            the Board-appointed Statutory Auditors.   assumes no responsibility to publicly
                                            The system is under constant review by   amend, modify or revise any forward-
                                            the Chairman, Managing Director, COO,   looking statements on the basis of any
                                            CFO and a few others, which ensures any   subsequent developments.
                                            discrepancies are immediately noted and
                                            suitable action can be taken in case of any

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