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EXHIBITORS (continued)                                                                          = NSAA Sponsor

        energy efficiency and energy-snow    SNOWRIGHT                            of the snow groomer and produce snow
        conversion rates—Independently Verified.   BOOTH 110                      only as needed.
        Patented technology delivers the lowest   1004 6th Street                 Josh Nelson
        operational costs, easily configured to   Collingwood, ON  L9Y 3Y9 CANADA
        meet your snow surface requirements.   (705) 445-7547,   Soaring Eagle Inc
        NEW: Patented Rapid Fire “All-In-One”   Snow depth monitoring and manage-  BOOTH 120
        HYDRANT. NEW: Mobile, Battery Operated,   ment system. With SNOWRIGHT System,   PO Box 55
        Low Cost AUTOMATION for unmatched    resorts will know exactly how much snow   Providence, UT 84332
        versatility and ROI.                 they have on all terrain. Snowmakers    (435) 754-7807
        Mitch Dodson                         know when to shut off snow guns when
                                             desired depths are reached. Snow     Soaring Eagle Inc. is a ride manufacturer
        Snow Operating                       groomers know where snow needs to    that offers an all new zip line ride. Soaring
        BOOTH 609                            be moved to create the desired depths   Eagle zip lines ride two participants at one
        112 Main Street, Suite 4             and terrain.                         time, start and stop at the same location,
        Montville, NJ 07045                  Steve Young                          and can be operated with only one
        (201) 559-1158                                                            operator. Very efficient and profitable.                SNOWsat                              Logan Checketts
        SNOW Operating was founded with      BOOTH 203
        a mission to help grow the ski and   8850 Double Diamond Parkway          Star Lifts USA
        snowboard industry. Providers of the   Reno, NV 89521                     BOOTH 223
        award-winning Terrain Based Learning   (775) 857-5000                     PO Box 798
        program. Through a process-driven       Sunapee, NH 03782
        approach we work with our partners to   SNOWsat is a professional slope and   (603) 863-0241,
        maximize profitability and improve the   fleet management system with snow   Suppliers of all types of surface lifts for the
        guest experience.                    depth measurement. It is based on    skiing, riding, and tubing industry from
        Brett Bagley, Scott Baldassano,      satellite-guided positioning. Snow    beginners to advanced. SUNKID conveyors,
        Kelly Brooks, Joe Hession,           depth is displayed on screen to within    carousels, rope tows, handle tows, foam
        Patrick Hession, Eric Lipton,        an accuracy of +/- 1.5 inches. This   figures. and beginner’s area features.
        Hugh Reynolds, Mike Sangalli         enables ski resorts to optimize use    O’CONNOR handle tows. SUNKID WORLD

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