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Celebrating 20 years, the NSAA
Marketing Awards have evolved to reflect the technological inno-
Wednesday, May 1 vations and changes that every ski area marketer is faced with.
4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Even though only one winner is chosen per category, the awards
SAPPHIRE BALLROOM celebrate all of the applicants’ efforts, their amazing creativity, and
their great ideas for promoting skiing, riding, and the mountain
Please join us as we recognize this year’s winning programs. lifestyle. We applaud your efforts!
With seven categories, area marketers compete for
the following:
NSAA would like to thank all the areas that submitted entries for • Best Use of Mobile Technology (app, advertising,
the National Golden Eagle, Marketing, and Safety Awards. Come geolocation)
join your fellow industry brethren at the NSAA Awards Reception • Best Social Media Campaign (area- and/or user-
to celebrate the 2018–19 season and the innovative environmen- generated content)
tal, marketing, and safety initiatives that NSAA member areas • Best Use of Video (online, broadcast, branded and/or
rolled out. user-generated)
We are also debuting an exciting new award, the NSAA • Best Learn to Ski & Snowboard / Bring A Friend Campaign
Growth Award, to recognize excellence in ski area programs (leveraging LSSM/BAF programs)
and initiatives designed to increase participation among skiers • Most Unique Campaign (different and effective)
and snowboarders. • Best Overall Marketing Campaign (500,000+ skier visits)
NSAA will pull out all the stops to create a fun, exciting event • Best Overall Marketing Campaign (Less than 500,000
so the entire industry can recognize resorts whose teams pro- skier visits)
duced exceptionally creative, memorable, and inspired programs
leading to successful results. Safety Awards
Don't miss this chance to learn about the great work and inno- Every year, areas of all sizes put in
vation from areas across the country. The awards reception is a great a tremendous amount of time and energy toward their safety
way to round out day two of the Convention. See you there! programs. These efforts take many forms, from employee-
oriented education and training programs to guest-facing
Golden Eagle Awards education and awareness campaigns. With six NSAA Safety
The Golden Eagle Awards for Award categories, area risk management teams are compet-
Environmental Excellence, established in 1993, are the highest ing for recognition in the following categories for programs
honors bestowed on a resort or individual for outstanding achieve- that are helping to keep skiing and snowboarding as safe as
ment in environmental performance. Resorts big and small can they are fun:
have a huge impact on raising the bar in resort operations to • Best Overall Safety Program (500K+ visits)—recognizing
achieve sustainability. Thanks to TechnoAlpin for sponsoring the the most exceptional, comprehensive, and effective
Golden Eagle Awards and helping highlight ski industry sustain- approach to establishing a culture of safety at a resort
ability commitment and leadership. NSAA also thanks all of the ski with 500,000 visits or more annually.
areas who have applied this season and over the past 26 years to • Best Overall Safety Program (under 500K visits)—
make this awards program successful and meaningful. recognizing the most exceptional, comprehensive, and
Here are the award categories for 2018–19: effective approach to establishing a culture of safety at
• Golden Eagle Award for Environmental Excellence— a resort with less than 500,000 visits annually.
honoring a ski area program for overall environmental • Best Employee Safety Program—recognizing the most
achievement and leadership in sustainability. exceptional and successful initiative(s) to increase the
• Hero of Sustainability—recognizing a ski area employee who safety and education of a resort’s employees.
goes the extra mile and makes an impact, big or small, that • Best Guest Safety Program—recognizing the most excep-
influences company policy, or employee or guest action, tional and successful initiative(s) to increase the safety and
toward improved sustainability. education of a resort’s guests.
• Climate Impact Award—recognizing impactful action taken • Best #RideAnotherDay Safety Program—recognizing the
toward climate change solutions through partnerships, most exceptional and successful resort launch of the
mitigation, adaptation, or advocacy. NSAA national #RideAnotherDay initiative.
• Innovator in Sustainability—celebrating innovation by a • Safety Champion—recognizing a resort employee who
ski area or individual whose creative approaches can raise shows exceptional dedication and enthusiasm toward
awareness and inspire others to take action. educating and promoting safety to guests and employees.