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Risk Management


SMALL THINGS CAN MAKE a big difference. And at this year’s                                               The day-long workshops are a great one-stop-shopping
NSAA fall workshops, we will examine how some small                                                  chance to network with your ski area’s outside attorneys, insur-
ideas can pay big dividends in resort operations, and go a                                           ance representatives, and industry peers—and to pick up that
long way in reducing risks, improving safety, and minimiz-                                           particularly clever idea or operational strategy to help your resort.
ing your resort’s exposure to claims and lawsuits.
                                                                                                         “The fall workshops are one of the most cost-effective
    With nine regional stops on the 2016 fall workshop tour,                                         and easiest opportunities to stay on top of what’s going on
this is a great and affordable opportunity for everyone to stay                                      in the industry,” stressed Tom Aicher, NSAA’s new outside
abreast of trends and innovations in the industry.                                                   counsel from Vermont, renowned both locally and nation-
                                                                                                     ally for what one client referred to as his “mad law skillz.”
    This will be the twenty-second year in a row that                                                According to Aicher, “It’s pretty astonishing what I pick up
Willis MountainGuard is sponsoring the NSAA fall work-                                               from the workshops about what’s going on across the coun-
shops. In addition, at each stop we will have the legal                                              try. I learn something valuable every single time.”
expertise of our good friends from the Association of Ski
Defense Attorneys (ASDA) weighing in on legal implica-                                                   This year’s workshops will be helmed once again by
tions and trends.                                                                                    Jimmy Lawrence from MountainGuard, along with Dave
                                                                                                     Byrd, director of risk and regulatory affairs. The duo will
                                                                                                 TM  lead audiences through important discussions on various
                                                                                                     industry-critical conversations, including the following:

                                                                                                         •	 What are the consequences of the industry’s aging
                                                                                                             fleet of chairlifts?

                                                                                                         •	 What lessons can ski areas learn from recent
                                                                                                             lawsuits and claims?

                                                                                                         •	 What can the ski industry learn from the recent
                                                                                                             tragic fatality of a 2 year old by an alligator at
                                                                                                             Disney World? (Quite a lot, surprisingly). Are there
                                                                                                             unique strategies to better ensure the safety of
                                                                                                             children visiting our resorts?

                                                                                                         •	 Are we doing enough to educate and warn guests?
                                                                                                         •	 How will the new FAA regulations on drones

                                                                                                             improve operations and efficiency?
                                                                                                         •	 What can resorts do better to limit property losses?

SUMMER                               (414) 397-1233                                                  Perhaps one of the most enduring legacies of the NSAA fall
                                                                                 workshops is the opportunity to learn from our peers. The
                                                                                                     collective knowledge and experience in the audience alone
TUBING LANES                                                                                         provides an amazing diversity of ideas and innovations. This
                                                                                                     year’s line-up will be highlighting some small, affordable,
rollers and banked turns                                                                             and ingenious initiatives that go a long way in minimizing
quick, portable setup                                                                                risk and exposure and improving operations and safety.
 water lubrication NOT required
                                                                                                         To register for a workshop visit Onsite registra-
  dirt work NOT required                                                                             tion is also available at any of the workshop locations.

         mSnow - proudly recycled in the USA

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