Page 48 - 83998_NSAA_Journal_Fall2018
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Dave Camara/Arapahoe Basin
By Troy Hawks
How some ski areas are growing repeat lessons through
a mix of technology and old-school guest service
“Welcome to Ed’s Fly Shop,” the email subject line read. Two customer relationship management (CRM)—particularly
minutes before I had made a $30 online purchase from Ed, with first-time lesson takers—on the level of Ed’s Fly Shop.
and he wasted no time not only to thank me but also to set A survey of 39 resorts that participated in Learn to Ski &
me up with an online account to make my next purchase eas- Snowboard Month (LSSM) last season showed that 72 percent
ier. By the end of the week, I received a postcard in the mail. communicated with guests before the lesson, while 41 percent
It was from Ed, offering me 10 percent off my next purchase. sent guests a return offer after the lesson. The survey, con-
I’ve never met Ed and I’ve never been to his fly shop, ducted by LSSM organizers, also showed that 15 percent
but I’m hooked on his follow-up and how he relates with his of the ski areas reported that they do not communicate with
customers. As a whole, the ski industry doesn’t always nail guests before or after the lesson.