Page 5 - Phytochemistry 2 (06-PG 605)
P. 5
Nomenclature of alkaloids:
I. All alkaloids should end with suffix (-ine).
II. Generally, the alkaloid is named according to:
1. The generic name of the plant e.g. Atropine, Ephedrine, Pilocarpine,
2. The specific name of the plant e.g. Cocaine, Belladonine..
3. The common name of the drug e.g. ergotamine, ergometrine (ergot).
4. The physiological activity e.g. emetine, narcotine and morphine.
5. Named after discoverer e.g. pelletierine after pelletier.
6. Physical properties e.g. hygrine (hygroscopic).
III. Related alkaloids from the same source can be differentiated by addition:
Suffix: e.g. l(-) Quinine & d(+) Quinidine,
Prefixes: In case of:
1. Isomers:
e.g. pilocarpine & isopilocarpine Ephedrine & pseudoephedrine.
2. Less N-methyl group (Nor): e.g. Ephedrine & Nor-Ephedrine Nicotine &
Ephedrine Nor-Ephedrine
3. Less one molecule of H2O (Apo):
Morphine & Apomorphine
Atropine & Apoatropine