Page 147 - Pharmacognosy-II (06-PG 303)
P. 147

• It is olive green in color. It possesses plastic texture when fresh and
       characteristic odor and very bitter taste.

Important definitions:

   • Opium: mixture of alkaloids derived from Papaver somniferum.
   • An Opiate: is any of the naturally occurring narcotic alkaloids found in

       the opium poppy plant. e.g. morphine and codeine.
   • An Opioid : is any natural or synthetic compound which has morphine-

       like action.
   • e.g. the natural peptides discovered in the brain that called Endogenous

       opioid peptides e.g. enkephalins and endorphins.


Alkaloids combined with the organic acid meconic acid.

   A. Phenanthrene group:
   1. Morphine named after Morpheus the god of sleep.

           • Most effective pain killer (cancer, before and after anaethesia).
           • Antiperistaltic in diarrhea (can cause constipation)
           • respiratory depressant (act on brain center).
           • It is addictive.
           • Eye pupil constrictor
           • Slight drop in temperature and sweating.
Morphine is phenolic, can be seperated from other alkaloids by shaking with


   • Diacetyl morphine
   • It is an illegal highly addictive drug

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