Page 13 - phytochemistry II -pharmD general
P. 13

The choice of alkali depends on :

• The degree of basicity of alkaloids.
• The chemical nature of alkaloidal bases.
• The nature of the acid in combination with alkaloids.

   The alkali used for liberation of free bases usually
• Sodium hydroxide.
• Calcium hydroxide.
• Magnesium hydroxide.
• Sodium Carbonate.
• Sodium bicarbonate.
• and in most cases Ammonia.


   The alkali of choice in alkalinization, and liberation of free bases, and it is
    the most widely used because:
1. It is volatile and easily removed on evaporate
2. It is suitable for alkalinization of phenolic & ester alkaloids (where we
   cannot use NaOH).
3. It is also suitable for alkalinization of powder that contain traces of fatty
   matter (NaOH cause saponification).


1. Non volatile.
2. Unsuitable for ester alkaloids, phenolic alk., also in presence of fatty


2- Extraction with water miscible organic solvent (alcohol)

Alk. salts, alk. bases as well as alk. N-oxides and quaternary alkaloids can be
extracted with Ethanol & Methanol.

3- Extraction with dilute aquous acid (acidulated H2O)
   In this method the powdered drug is heated with dilute acid (1-2%) then
   cool, filter → crude alk. extract.

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