Page 11 - Quality control of pharmaceuticals (07-PA 704)
P. 11

Sampling tools should be available to the sampler, e.g., to open
     containers (knives, hammers,...), material to reclose the packages
     (sealing tape), self-adhesive labels to indicate that some of the
     contents have been removed, etc...

Sampling tools should be made of inert materials (e.g., polypropylene
     or stainless steel; avoid glass) and kept very clean. After use,
     thoroughly washed, rinsed with water or suitable solvent, dried and
     stored in clean conditions.

Disposable sampling materials can also be used.
Washing facilities should be located in, or close to, the sampling area.
Cleaning procedure should be documented and validated.
Sterile pharmaceutical products should be sampled under aseptic


Examples of types of sampling tools:
Spatulas for solids
Dip tubes for liquids
Sample thieves for solid samples in deep containers
Bag-sampling spears for taking samples from bags

Along with the selection and characterization of your measurement
     technique, it is also essential that your sample be properly selected
     and prepared for study.
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