Page 103 - year book 2023-24
P. 103


                  Do You Know Everything There Is To Know About "Frozen"?
                  Yes, including “Frozen Fever” !!
                  1.Ha! You thought this would be easy! Let's start getting harder! How many times does Olaf
                   say Samantha?

                  a.     2                    b.      3                    c.     5
                  2.When Elsa sneezes, what comes out?
                  a.     Snot                  b.      Snowmen             c.     Snow
                  3.In "Frozen Fever," Elsa gets Anna a castle clock where a miniature Olaf pops out. What
                  does he say?
                  a.     “I love you Anna!”   b.      “Summer!”            c.     “Happy Birthday!”
                  4.How tall is Olaf?
                  a.     3' 2                 b.      5' 4                 c.     6' 7
                  5.Where else does the water horse appear?
                  a.     Elsa's bedside table b.      In the living room   c.     On Anna's dress
                  6.What is Oaken wearing when he offers Anna and Elsa his invention?
                  a.     The clothes in the image above!                   b.     Bunny Onesie
                  c      He's naked

                  .When Elsa sneezes into the buggle horn and creates a big snowball, what does she hit?
                  a.     The castle           b.      Hans                 c.     The cake
                  9.What is the last word of “Frozen Fever”?
                  a.     “William”            b.      “Marshmallow”        c.     “Here?”
                  10.What is the name of salamander?
                  a.     Bruni                b.      Gale                 c.     Deli
                  7.When this banner falls over, what does Olaf rearrange the letters into?
                  a.     Happy Anna Birthday                        b.     Dry Banana Hippy Hat

                  c.     Nana Pay Hybrid Path
                  1.     b 3                  2.      b.Little Snowmen            3.      (b)summer

                  4.     b 5'4                5.      a.Elsa's bedside table      6.      c He's naked
                  10.    b.Dry Banana Hippy Hat       8.     b.Hans               9.      a.“William”
                  10.    a. Bruni
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