Page 140 - year book 2023-24
P. 140


                 Disconnection from reality
                         Schizophrenia is a chronic disorder that consist of reality testing ,hallucinations, delusions and
                 limited socialization .People with this disorder interpret reality abnormally and they disconnect from reality.
                 They have multi or split personality that is, they have different personalities at different times. It is common for

                the people with schizophrenia have paranoid thoughts or hear voices that do not exist such as a voice making
                commands ,they have unusual physical behaviour ,they keep imagining some pictures without any meaning
                and which are weird. They keep shifting from one thought to another thought without any logical connection

                and speak in sentences that do not make sense to others. They generally believe that someone is controlling
                their mind or going to cause them harm. They keep interacting with the people who don't exist in the reality
                and talk to those people with different names . Most of them are with Catatonia which is a syndrome of being
                awake and staying still for hours without reacting to anything but still they can sense pain. It is one of the most
                deadly disorder and no one is sure about what causes this disorder but genetic makeup or brain chemistry are

                likely to play a role. Generally this disorder is not caused by childhood trauma or poor or abusive parents and
                lack of willpower. Many around the world have this disorder but most of the are ashamed to be labelled with
                this disorder. Early medication and therapies can help people with this disorder.

                                                                                        Hasini sriya Makineni

                                                 ORGANIC FARMING

              Organic farming can be defined as an agricultural process that uses biological Fertilizers and pest
              control acquired from animals or plants waste. The British botanist Sir Albert Howard is often
              referred to as the father of modern organic agriculture.[11:36 am, 2/7/2024] Muralidharan: The
              four principles organic farming is health fairness Ecology and care private version for agriculture
              that inspires environment  friendly cultivation and production. Organic farming AIIMS to produce
              superior quality products with high nuclear value and no chemical with the purpose of good

              Benefits of organic farming

              Ÿ Environment friendly
              Ÿ Pramod substanceable development
              Ÿ In expensive process
              Ÿ Nutritional
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