Page 149 - year book 2023-24
P. 149

Discrimination in Indian society
                 “Stereotype and prejudice greatly affect a person's life, future and opportunity”. An often unfair and untrue

                 belief that many people have about all people or things with a particular characteristics are called stereotype.
                 Which is tends to mean having a sot idea about someone that are based on assumption or preconceptions,

                 rather  than  a  person's  actual  actions  and  characters  is  called  prejudice.  We  can  assume  these  both  as
                 discrimination. These are very commonly found forms of discrimination I the society. For example: females

                 are not provided with nutritious food because they are not considered as an important person so they are
                 provided with home chores or works and they are married at a very young age. Mainly they are not allowed to

                 join schools . While , males are considered as an important person of the family . So , they are allowed to join
                 schools an work in different countries . And they are provided with nutritious food because the are the bread
                 winners of their family . And they are told that crying is a form of weakness and feel embarrassed for doing a

                 shameful action . We can prevent discrimination by educating and training all our people and how to properly
                 respond tzo discrimination in the society . I think that discrimination would lead into hurting someone and may

                 make them feel low or down to themselves . So , I advice everyone to stop discriminating others based on their
                 likes and lifestyle.

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