Page 16 - PSL Book 8A 2023
P. 16

This poem also covers the ethics and the history of Sikhi and Sikhs and the role the Sikh Turban
          has played in the history of India. Read it, understand it and feel pride in being a Sikh. You will

          read it fluently in class next week. So read a few times at home to get the rhythm.
         jug jug qMdIN sWJ qxI ieh rihxI hY[               These threads will remain bonded forever
         pgVI is~K dI bxI inSwnI rihxI hY[                 The Turban will continue to be a symbol of Sikh identity.

         ieh dwnSvrW sdINidAW dw srmwieAw sI[              This was a valued possession of the prudent
         bwby nwnk jd ies nUM ApnwieAw sI[                 When Baba Nanak donned it and made it his own
         Gup hnyHry ivc ie~k dIp jlwieAw sI[               In pitch darkness it was as if an oil lamp had been lit
         mwnuK dw ieiqhws igAw ruSnwieAw sI[               The entire human history was illuminated
         loA aus dI jug cwry mGdI rihxI hY[                The glow from that will continue to illuminate forever

         pgVI is~K dI bxI inSwnI rihxI  hY[                The Turban will continue to be a symbol of the Sikh identity.
         su~qI ihMd nUM Kwb qoN tuMb jgwieAw sI[           Sleeping India was awoken from a bad dream

         aUc nIc dw pol jW KolH vKwieAw sI[                Dispelling the notion of high and low caste
         “r~b idlW ivc vsdw,” kUk suxwieAw sI[             “God resides inside your heart,” he cried out loud
         pMfq vI mulW vI sux GbrwieAw sI[                  The Pundit and Mullah both became anxious upon hearing this
         ieh Gbrwht bYTw ky kFxI pYxI hY[                  This anxiety can only be removed by addressing it directly

         pgVI is~K dI bxI inSwnI rihxI hY[                 The Turban will continue to be a symbol of the Sikh identity.

         ieh p~gVI jd Arjn guru ApnweI sI[                 When Arjan Guru donned this turban
         jwbr dI rUh kMbI sI buKlweI sI[                   The souls of tyrants trembled with fear
         qW hI q~qIAW lohW qy ibTlweI sI[                  So it was forced onto red hot plates
         qW ieh isrqwj ShIdW dI kihlweI sI[                And it came to be known as the martyr’s crown
         hoNd kdy nw ies dI iksy imtyxI hY[                Its existence will never be erased by anyone
         pgVI is~K dI bxI inSwnI rihxI hY[                 The Turban will continue to be a symbol of the Sikh identity.

          zwlm jd mzlUm qy zulm kmwieAw sI [               When the oppressor persecuted the downtrodden
          Dwgw Dwgw krky jM\U lwihAw sI[                   Thread by thread tearing down her faith
          ies pgVI qd hwA dw nwhrw lwieAw sI[              This turban then raised its voice for justice

          ihMd dI cwdr bxky Drm kmwieAw sI[                Wrapping itself up like a blanket, it restored integrity
          cOk cWdnI sdw gvwhI dyxI hY[                     Chowk Chandni will always bear witness to
          pgVI is~K dI bxI inSwnI rihxI hY[                The Turban will continue to be a symbol of the Sikh identity.

          dsvyN gurU jd is~K dy sIs sjweI sI[              When the tenth Guru adorned his Sikhs’ heads
          hwkm ny qd isr dI kImq lweI sI[                  The power to be put a price on their heads

          jo vI l~gI h~s ky geI cukweI sI[                 Whatever the price it was gladly paid in full
          ies pgVI ny isrW dI r~K-vKweI sI[                This turban preserved their honor
          jd vI AYsI Gor-prIiKAw pYxI hY[                  Whenever such a dire test demands
          pgVI is~K dI bxI inSwnI rihxI hY[                The Turban will continue to be a symbol of the Sikh identity.
          iPr ies p~g ny ishrw sIs sjwieAw sI[             Then this turban donned a worthy crown

          auh ‘Syry-pMjwb’ dy ih~sy AwieAw sI[             Shared by ‘Shere- Punjab’
          jo kwbl vloN jMj pwp dI cVHdI reI,               From Kabul those marauders rode forever

              PSL Punjabi Reader 8A                                                          2023 Edition                                                                              14
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