Page 19 - PSLBook1ABLeve1Advanced-2023Final
P. 19
Lesson 3 s`sw
This letter is sassa. Say sassa. Sassa makes the sound /s/.
Sassa makes another sound sh when we add a bindi at the bottom.
ieh A~Kr s`sw hY[ bolo s`sw[ s`sw sw dI Avwz boldw hY[ jd AsIN s`sy
dy hyTW ibMdI lw dyNdy hW qW s`sw SSw dI Avwj krdw hY[
Listen to the sassa story. Repeat the words after me. Circle all the
s letters.
s`sw khwxI suxo[ myry ip`Cy bolo[ ies ivc swry s A~Kr l~Bo[ auhnW duAwly
gol c~kr bxwE[
jd sUrj inkldw hY qW svyr ho jWdI hY[
jd sUrj fubdw hY qW rwq ho jWdI hY[ AsIN
rwqI sONdy hW qy svyry jwgdy hW[
ikMny s`sy l`By?
A~Kr trys kro[ Trace the letters.
s s s s s S S S S