Page 31 - PSLBook1ABLeve1Advanced-2023Final
P. 31
Monday Homework
Sbd is`Ko[ A`Kr ilKo[ qsvIrW ivc rMg Bro[
Learn the words. Trace the letters k. Color the pictures.
kW kbUqr ku`kV ku`kVI
Read the kakka story with someone. Repeat the words after them.
Circle all the k letters in it.
kW, kbUqr, kuk~V qy kukVI kMD qy bYTy
hn[ kW kW-kW krdw hY[ kbUqr gutr-gUM
gutr-gUM krdw hY[ ku`kVI kuV-kuV krdI
hY[ kuk~V kukVUM-GVUM, kukVUM-GVUM krdw hY[