Page 6 - BoyWithLongHair2020_Neat
P. 6
To my son Tejinder Singh and daughter Lilly Singh,
for their pride in the Sikh identity
My heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Onkar Singh Bindra for his relentless efforts to get this book approved and included
in the SIM list and then in the HSS Framework by the California Department of Education, Sacramento
My sincere thanks to Mr. Nirvair Singh and his team for making this resource available to the students and teachers
in several schools across California
S t e ppi n g S t o n e s PS L I n s t r uc t i o na l Bo o k s B o o k- 2 A pI . A Ys. AYl. P u s h p i n d e r K gur m uKI A ~ Kr muhw rq i kqw b 1 A a u r