Page 54 - PSLBook3A-2023
P. 54

Lesson 19 Father’s Side Relations irSqy-dwdkw pirvwr

             The Punjabi relations have a unique name for every relationship. The relation names
             change  depending  on  if  the  person  is  younger  or  older  to  father.  Dad’s  older  and
             younger brothers have a different relation name. Let’s learn these special names.

             Word                Meaning          Word               Meaning     Word               Meaning
             1.  irSqydwr        relatives        8.  pirvwr         family      15. cwcw           uncle
             2.  irSqy           relations        9.  ipqw jI        father      16. Pu`PV          uncle

             3.  irSiqAW         of relations     10. mwqw jI        mother      17. cwcI           auntie
             4.  qweI            taya’s wife      11. pqnI           wife        18. byby jI        grandma

             5.  BUAw            dad’s sister     12. dwdw jI        grandpa     19. dwdI jI        grandma

             6.  qwieAw          dad’s brother    13. pqI            husband     20. t`br           family
             7.  cwcI            chacha’s wife    14. BYx            sister      21. Brw            brother

             Read these sentences about the family relations on Father’s side.
             pMjwbI ivc &YmlI nUM pirvwr jW t`br ikhw jWdw hY[ pirvwr ivc bhuq

             irSqydwr huMdy hn[ hr irSqy dw Kws nW huMdw hY[ pMjwbI ivc fYfI nUM pwpw

             jI  jW  ipqw  jI  kihMdy  hn[  mMmI  nUM  mwqw  jI  kihMdy  hn[  hn[  mwqw  dy

             irSiqAW dw v~Krw nW huMdw hY Aqy ipqw dy irSiqAW dw v~Krw nW huMdw hY[

             ipqw jI dy pirvwr nUM dwdkw pirvwr ikhw jWdw hY[ ipqw jI dy ipqw jI

             nUM dwdw jI kihMdy hn[ ipqw jI dy mwqw jI nUM dwdI jI jW byby jI kihMdy

             hn[ ipqw jI dy v~fy Brw qwieAw jI huMdy hn[ qwieAw jI dI pqnI qweI

             jI huMdy hn[ ipqw jI dy Coty Brw cwcw jI hn[ cwcw jI dI pqnI cwcI jI

             hn[ ipqw jI dI BYx BUAw jI hn[ BUAw jI dy pqI Pu~PV jI hn[ qwieAw

             jI, cwcw jI dy b`cy quhwfy ccyry Brw jW ccyrI BYx huMdy hn[ BUAw jI dy

             b~cy quhwfy PuPyry Brw jW PuPyrI BYx huMdy hn[

             myry dwdw jI Aqy dwdI jI bhuq cMgy hn[ auh roz myryy nwl Kyfdy hn[ mYnUM

             pwrk vI lY jWdy hn[ myrw swrw dwdkw pirvwr bhuq cMgw hY[ AsIN sB

             iek-dUsry nUM bhuq ipAwr krdy hW[                                                     (199 words)

             Stepping Stones PSL Reader 3A                               2023 Edition                                                  52
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