Page 7 - PSL book 2A Lesson 21-30
P. 7
Lesson 22.1 Dulenkad
We will learn Dulenkad sound today.
Dulenkad makes the sound ‘oo’ in pool.
Dulenkad looks like this
We add the Dulenkad below the letter in a word.
You cannot use Dulenkad with
A & e.
Dulenkad Word Examples:
cU+ hw cUhw chooha mouse
cU + cw cUcw choocha chick
Let’s say the Muhaarni with Dulenkad- ooday dulenkad oo,
sassay dulenkad soo, haahay dulenkad hoo
aU sU hU kU KU gU GU |U cU CU jU JU \U
tU TU fU FU xU qU QU dU DU nU pU PU bU
BU mU XU rU lU vU VU SU zU &U
If we need to add a nasal sound in Dulenkad words,
we use a Tippi. Read these words and sentence.
sOx qoN pihlW burS kr qy mUMh Do[