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P. 1
stYipMg stonz What can you do with 2. Sort the cards by 3. Sort the cards by
food/drink words.
pMjwbImwn these Flash Cards? objects found in the
A Lot! m X P
gurmuKI 1. Sort the cards by: v v v
Aqy pMjwbI animal names. S r x x
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puSipMdr kOr
4. Sort the cards by 5. Sort the cards by 7. Sort the cards by 9. Time yourself. How
body parts. size of the object things you have seen many minutes do you
on it in real life, for before. take to say the letter
D n m example, big things names and the words
and small things. 8. Sort the cards by that begin with each
things you have letter?
d d B 6. Sort the cards never seen in life. Read them as fast as
that have the English you can. That will
words make you a Super