Page 15 - PSL Book1A-Lesson6-10
P. 15
ieh A~Kr j`jw hY[ bolo j`jw[ j`jw /j/ dI Avwz boldw hY[ j z
Lesson 8
j`jw j (j)
jd AsIN hyTW ibMdI lw dyNdy hW qW j`jw zzw dI Avwz krdw hY[
This is letter jajja. Jajja makes the sound /j/. Say jajja. However, jajja
makes another sound of z when we add a bindi at the bottom.
j j j j z z
Listen to the poem. Repeat it after me. Circle all the j letters in it.
kivqw suxo[ myry ip`Cy bolo[ ies ivc swry j A~Kr l~Bo[ auhnW duAwly gol c`kr bxwE[
hW nhIN kihxw
hWjI kihxw
nhIN nwloN cMgw
nhIN jI, jI[
jI jI bolo, jI jI AwKo,
jI jI sdw khwvo jI[
ikMny j`jy l`By?
Trace all the words. Read and learn these words.
j`g jc js A`j k`j