Page 5 - Muhaarni Practice for ALL LEVELS
P. 5

Part 7: Say the Muhaarni sounds:: Ooday Hoda o, Sassay Hoda so etc..

                                 E so ho ko Ko go Go |o

                          co Co jo Jo \o to To fo Fo xo

                           qo Qo do Do no po Po bo Bo mo

                          Xo ro lo vo Vo So ^o Zo zo &o

                                                                                               38 syllables

        How many minutes did you take on the first try? ……………………………

        How many tries did you need to read these syllables in 1 minute? ………………………

        Your Name: ……………………………………………..   Class Section: ………………………………………….


        Part 8: Say the Muhaarni sounds. Aiday knauda au, sassay knauda sau etc.

                                 AO sO hO kO KO gO GO |O

                          cO CO jO JO \O tO TO fO FO xO

                           qO QO dO DO nO pO PO bO BO mO

                          XO rO lO vO VO SO ^O ZO zO &O

                                                                                               38 syllables
        How many minutes did you take on the first try? ……………………………

        How many tries did you need to read these syllables in 1 minute? ………………………

        Your Name: ……………………………………………..   Class Section: ………………………………………….
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