Page 11 - Newsletter
P. 11

      On  7   February,  2019,  Ministry  of  Health  and  Family  Welfare,  Govt  of  India  organized  an  event  on  “India
      Showcase” to showcase India’s global footprint in the field of innovation and technology to end AIDS, Tuberculosis
      and Malaria and increased ownership of the national response and its growing role in development.

            Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda,  Hon’ble Union              Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda, Hon’ble Union Minister for
             Minister for Health & Family Welfare,                  Health & Family Welfare, Government of India
          Government of India during “India Showcase”                  during formal preparatory meeting of the
                         event                                            Global Fund 6  replenishment

        During the Global Fund’s 6  Replenishment, a panel discussion was organized. The panelists were:-
       1.    Sh. Sanjeeva Kumar, Additional Secretary & Director General (NACO & RNTCP)
       2.    Dr. R. S. Gupta, DDG (CST), NACO
       3.    Dr. Naresh Goel, DDG (IEC), NACO
       4.    Dr. Bilali Camara, Country Director,  UNAIDS
       5.    Dr. Nicole Seguy, CD Team Leader, WHO
       6.    Ms. Mona Balani
       7.    Dr. Sonal Mehta, Chief Executive, Alliance India
       8.    Moderator: Dr. Shobini Rajan, ADG (TI)

      The  panel  discussion  revolved  around  the  journey  of  National  AIDS  Control  Programme  in  India.  Which  had
      highlighted  policy  and  programmatic  advancement  in  National  AIDS  Control  Programme  in  the  last  5  years,
      ‘Community Based Screening (CBT)’ for HIV testing and 'Test & Treat Policy' in achieving prevention and treatment
      targets, enactment of HIV/AIDS (Prevention & Control) Act 2017, reduction of social stigma and discrimination
      against PLHIV and securing human rights in the country, effectiveness of strategy for key populations and high risk
      group by revamping Targeted Interventions, key features of Strategic Information including HIV surveillance and
      Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS), key features of surveillance mechanism, challenges in
      achieving the targets of 90-90-90 by 2020, and elimination of AIDS as public health threat by 2030.

               Snapshot of panel discussion during the Global   Smt. Preeti Sudan, Secretary (H & FW), GoI during formal
                       Fund’s 6  Replenishment                preparatory meeting of the Global Fund 6  replenishment
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