Page 2 - Prosper Magazine Issue July 2021
P. 2



                                                                                       125 Park Avenue,
                                                                                       New York, NY 10017

                                                                                       T: 212-389-2741


                                                                                       President   Biden's   "Green   Book
                                                                                       Proposal"   &   What   It   May   Mean
                                                                                       For You.


            I’d like to welcome you to the first issue of this publication
        exclusively for the affluent and the advisors that serve them. This
      magazine is intended to serve as an extension of our firm's expertise.
      It includes articles written by some of our team &  industry partners &
        will also include the latest industry information as it relates to the
                   professionals we are privileged to work with.

        ArisGarde focuses on the challenges faced by many of its clients.
      These are generally centered around time, coordination, & continuity.
       We seek to remove these barriers, and create solutions-driven plans
                              specific to client goals.

       ArisGarde is a proud industry expert & believes that collaboration is
                          key to the success of any plan.

           W e   h o p e   y o u   f i n d   i n f o r m a t i o n   t h a t ' s   h e l p f u l
                 &   l o o k   f o r w a r d   t o   s h a r i n g   o u r   f u t u r e
                                 p u b l i c a t i o n s .

                         JOSHUA  FRI EDLANDER
                      Founder & Managing Partner

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                                  T H E   A R I S G A R D E   A D V A N T A G E  J U L Y   2 0 2 1
            Securities offered through Lion Street Financial, LLC. (LSF), member FINRA & SIPC. Investment Advisory Services offered through Lion Street Advisors, LLC. LSF is not affiliated with ArisGarde.
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