Page 133 - Introduction to Tourism
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passenger business, and today the survival of service
(other than commuter service) depends largely on
Amtrak. In Canada, the situation has been similar, and
future rail travel depends on VIA Rail Canada.
Outside North America, where passenger rail service is
more extensive, rail transportation assumes a more
important role. Ultramodern railway systems with high -
speed trains operate in many countries, handling
passenger traffic in an economical and efficient manner
and providing an alternative to air travel. France and
Japan are well known for their high - speed trains.
France has been willing to subsidize its rail system.
The French government has taken responsibility for rail
infrastructure of the state - owned SNCF rail company.
Japan continues to improve and expand its famous “
bullet train. ” Some of the largest railways in the world
are found in the former Soviet Union, India, and China.
Australia made a significant step forward in rail travel in
February 2004 when the new 882 miles of tracks from
Alice Springs to Darwin opened. Now one can finally
travel on the legendary Ghan Train across the country
from Adelaide in the south to Darwin in the north.
Amtrak is the marketing name for the National
Railroad Passenger Corporation, an operating railroad