Page 16 - 2018-2019 Catalog
P. 16

General Campus Information

        Obligations of All District Employees and Students:    The District will respond to any conduct which may
        All employees and students shall report to their immediate   constitute unlawful/prohibited discrimination as it
        supervisor or school official any conduct on the part of   deems appropriate, including but not limited to an
        other employees and students or non-employees, such    internal investigation of reported conduct, and will take
        as sales representatives or service vendors, who sexually   appropriate disciplinary action up to and including
        harass any District employee, student, or other persons. If   discharge, expulsion, or termination of contract if such is
        the immediate supervisor is the alleged harasser, contact   justified.
        Human Resources. Immediately following notification
        to the supervisor or school official, the party shall notify   STUDENT RIGHT-TO-KNOW DISCLOSURE
        Human Resources and provide all information relevant to   Education is fundamental to the development of individual
        the complaint.                                         citizens and the progress of the Nation as a whole. There
                                                               is increasing concern among citizens, educators, and
        Because different procedures apply after a formal      public officials regarding the academic performance of
        governmental administrative charge or complaint        students at institutions of higher education. Prospective
        is filed, any employee receiving such a charge         students and prospective student athletes should be
        or complaint is directed to Human Resources immediately.  aware of the educational commitments of an institution
                                                               of higher education. Knowledge of graduation rates helps
        All employees and students shall cooperate with any    prospective students and prospective student athletes
        investigation of an alleged act of sexual harassment   make an informed judgment about the educational benefits
        conducted by the District or by an appropriate state or   available at a given institution of higher education.
        federal agency.
                                                               Compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus
        No employee or student of the District shall take any action   Security Act of 1990 completion and transfer rate statistics
        to discourage a victim of sexual harassment from reporting   can be viewed at
        such an instance.

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