Page 17 - BSA_Booklet(14Nov22)(Final)(2023)
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 A wider view...   Membership viewpoint
 Environmental & ethical   What the BSA means
 responsibility  to our business

 The BSA recognises and encourages members   “I’ve been involved with the BSA for over ten
 to minimise their environmental impact from   years in various roles - as a member, attending
 sourcing consumables from sustainable growers   events, awards assessor, helping at trade shows
 and suppliers. The BSA promotes:  and on the executive committee. It’s a great
          way for me to network, keep up to date with
 •   Sustainability at source  industry news and promote my business
 •   Sustainability in the supply chain  Kokoa Collection hot chocolate. I like that I
          get so many different perspectives from cafes,
 •   Sustainability practises of our members  manufacturers, consultants, roasters and trade
 •   Sustainability within retail practise on the   peers. It’s definitely the case where the more
 protecting,  Paul Eagles -   Director at Kokoa Collection
 high street.  you put in the more you get out...”

 advising               Hot Chocolate

 & nurturing
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