Page 45 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_May_June'24(5Jun24)
P. 45
triumphant Return
Adam comments, “I work with Problems with the seals quickly
customers on the expectation degrading when encountering
that if you can’t achieve at least alcohol or dairy products, motor
70% GP, it’s not worth doing.” breakdowns, and PPM, with any
savings made on labour then lost
He continues, “The key to due to the time it takes to clean the
success; a careful balance of machines. These old-school
good menu development, machines just aren’t built for it.
quality ingredients, and
economic analysis. What you
put in, is what you get out. Long
gone are the days of the 99
pence “blue one” or “red one” The key to success; a
full of weird chemicals. careful balance of good
Operators now command price menu development,
tags like £9.99 for their drinks.
All saving on labour costs, who’d quality ingredients, and
have thought?” economic analysis.
The path to leveling up slush
has not been without its
challenges though. One of the
major obstacles has been the
lack of quality equipment, This is where the YouTube channel
capable of handling the "Slush of the Month" and Elmeco
demands of a high-end slush come in. Elmeco has built their
program. Traditional slush slush machines to be seal-free,
machines, designed primarily for using longer-lasting brushless
non-alcoholic beverages, have motors and a cleaning procedure as
struggled to adapt to the simple as taking it apart and putting
evolving needs of the market. it in the dishwasher.
MAY/JUNE. 2024 | ISSUE 36