Page 51 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_May_June'24(5Jun24)
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UK News
Peter Atmore, Head of Global Sales at British
espresso machine manufacturer Fracino
Following Brexit, the Midlands region as part of the DBT’s Export
Department for Business & Champions programme for 2024/25.
Trade (DBT) launched the
'Made in the UK, Sold to the Peter was pleased to accept the invitation,
World' campaign to made in recognition of Fracino’s continued
promote and celebrate development and growth of their export
exporting success from markets - and the contribution that Fracino
across the UK and tell makes to the Midlands economic growth.
businesses' stories that are
playing their part in that Adrian Maxwell, Fracino’s Managing
success. Director, told Something’s Brewing, “Fracino
Exporting is fundamental to is proudly a British manufacturer and one
getting our economy back that is resolutely challenging the markets of
on track and helping to established European manufacturers
make Britain a strong player overseas and we’re truly inspired by the
in global markets. fact that our success has been rewarded in
this prestige recognition for Peter."
Peter Atmore, Head of
Global Sales at British MAY/JUNE. 2024 | ISSUE 36
espresso machine Fracino
manufacturer Fracino, is 18 - 22 Birch Road East,
delighted to be appointed an Birmingham B6 7DB
Export Champion for the