Page 6 - TH Assurance Continuous Improvement Activities
P. 6

   East Central Catholic School Division Assurance Framework - Continuous Improvement
 Step Two - Survey Analysis Activity (October-November)
• Organize staff into groups of 4-6 depending on the number of staff at each school. Assign a staff member the group moderator responsibilities to coordinate and document the Assurance Framework survey analysis activity.
• Reference the electronic links or paper print out of the school (white) and division (green) Assurance survey results for students, parents, support staff, and instructional staff.
• Based on reviewing the Assurance survey results for each stakeholder group (student, parent, support staff, teachers) complete the following tasks.
• Identify what domain each question aligns with.
• Quality Catholic Education
• Student Growth and Achievement
• Teaching and Leading
• Learning Support
• Governance
• Local Societal Context
• Identify which survey questions are considered to be a celebration, challenge, or opportunity for your school.
• Discuss and develop a one strategy for each domain to address the top three survey questions that were considered to be a challenge or opportunity for your school. The strategy will need to be aligned to a domain outcome a specified in the Funding Manual or ECCS Assurance Framework Overview documentation.

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