Page 7 - TH Assurance Continuous Improvement Activities
P. 7
East Central Catholic School Division Assurance Framework - Continuous Improvement
• “Exploring Five Leadership Capacities” - Ontario Educa- tion. This brief article provides an excellent overview of how using data can transform po- tential in practice.
Step Two - Survey Analysis Activity (October-November)
• Discuss and identify the provincial performance measure(s) associated with the ques- tion or comments considered to be a challenge. Reference the funding manual resource for provincial performance measures and ECCS Assurance Framework supporting doc- umentation.
• Discuss and develop the local performance measure(s) for the question or comments identified as challenges on your school survey. The local performance measure needs to provide feedback on the continuous improvement process.
• Discuss and develop stakeholders engagement activities that will support the proposed strategy to address questions or comments identified as a challenge.