Page 154 - Sanidhya 2024
P. 154

The Essence of Music:

                           A Universal Language of Life and Spirituality

               Music, at its core, is a harmonious blend of   exemplifies the spiritual nature
        instrumental rhythms, melodies, and vocal expressions.   of music. It is believed that music
        Yet, its true essence extends far beyond these      can awaken the nine chakras,
        elements—it embodies the way of life. Music allows   leading to spiritual enlightenment.
        individuals to live more fully, cherish every moment and   Each raag, or musical scale, in
        gain insights that cannot be taught by conventional   Indian classical music is an act of
        means. It transcends cultural and linguistic barriers,   devotion, dedicated to different
        serving as a universal language understood by all living   deities. For example, Raag
        beings.                                             Yaman is associated with Lord
                                                            Krishna, Raag Bheempalasi with      Keshav Kant
                                                                                                 Class- XI A
               Music permeates everything around us, waiting   Lord Shiva, Raag Durga with   CRPF Public School, Rohini
        for recognition. As Bob Marley aptly said, “One good   Navdurga, and Raag
        thing about music is that when it hits you, you feel   Malhar with Lord            Indra. These raagas
        no pain.” Music possesses the unique power to heal,   are not merely               compositions;
        soothing wounds and imparting lessons on the true   they create                   sacred atmospheres,
        meaning of peace. It reminds us that conflict and   fostering a                deeper connection with
        violence arise from material greed, not necessity.  the divine.

               Globally, music exists in myriad forms—                      Musical traditions or gharanas, in
        from Hindustani classical and jazz to rock                       India are often centred around temples,
        and beyond. Yet in spirit, it is boundless.                   emphasizing music’s spiritual roots. The
        Its ultimate purpose is to show us that                     Banaras Gharana, for instance, is closely
        life itself is intertwined with music. As                connected to the Kashi Vishwanath Mandir
        Beethoven profoundly observed,                         in Varanasi. Notable artists like Ustad Bismillah
        “Music is the mediator                               Khan (Shehnai), Girija Devi (vocalist), and Sitara
        between spiritual and                                    Devi (dancer) emerged from this gharana,
        sensual life.” This                                      transcending religious boundaries. Ustad
        sentiment touches on                                     Bismillah Khan once said, “Music is the Universal
        the deeper mysteries                                   Religion,” underscoring its ability to unite people
        of existence and the                                from all walks of life.
        divine. Music existed
        before humanity and                                        In conclusion, music serves as a profound
        will continue long after                            medium for spiritual awakening, connecting us to the
        us. The ancient Hindu belief               in the   divine in meaningful ways. It exists in every aspect
        cosmic sound “OUM” resonates             with this   of life, understood by humans, animals and most
        idea, where “OUM” is said to have existed before the   significantly, the divine. Music is a unifying force,
        material world and to endure after its destruction. In   bringing healing and peace. Ultimately, it is the
        this sense, music is eternal.                       universal language of love, as the saying goes, “Where
                                                            words fail, music speaks.”
               Indian classical music, comprising Hindustani
        Shastriya Sangeet and Carnatic traditions, further

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