Page 95 - Sanidhya 2024
P. 95
loved ones to focus on their duties. of the medical emergencies and are very much
deficient in technology thus requiring assistance, in
Logistics and Supply Staff space and medicine, to see them through till the
next hospital care.
Logistics is an important element in the military
organization which helps to achieve its goals. The Medical assistance does not end with general
people who take up these positions and roles tend health but goes further to provide support to the
to be off the public eye but are very important in patients, mentally. They counsel and assist soldiers
making sure that the soldiers receive everything as they navigate through various difficulties that
they require. are associated with the military. They offer coping
techniques and other forms of help so that the
One critical function within this system is to control military personnel do not lose soundness of mind
the stocks. People in this section organize the supply due to excessive demands from their work.
of various key products including food, ammunition,
and medicines. They make sure that these materials Conclusion
are provided in the right quantity, at the right place
and at the right time, which is very important to The real heroes behind our jawans might not always
ensure that the soldiers are always ready and to be in the spotlight but their contributions are
perform their missions whenever called upon. invaluable. From the families who offer emotional
support to the logistics medical teams who keep
Maintenance teams are also the other significant everything running smoothly, every person plays a
aspect of the logistics system. Soldiers, engineers, and vital role in supporting our soldiers. As we honour
regular mechanics abandon their peacetime duties our jawans for their bravery, let’s also acknowledge
to ensure that all military-related responsibilities and appreciate the unsung heroes who stand
are carried out according to the expectations behind them, helping them every step
of society. Seemingly ordinary activities such as of the way. Together, the strength and
maintenance, inspection, and servicing of different dedication of both our soldiers and their
types of vehicles, weapons and other equipment unseen supporters form the backbone of
are done to guarantee that these items operate our nation’s resilience and success.
efficiently and effectively during operations. They
contribute to the spare repair of the resources
and also resolve the chances of military men and
women being disturbed in fulfilling their duties and
hence it’s business as usual for the soldiers.
Medical Support
It is difficult to imagine the medical support system
of over 1 million armed forces personnel without
the support of medical devices and packs. These
teams work hard to make sure that the people
fighting wars come out healthy.
Combat medics are people who provide immediate
medical assistance with little or no delay, as they are
mostly the first responders during emergencies or
wartime environments. These people take charge