Page 2 - Revd Mmathema Millicent Phori
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Funeral program of the late:
Revd Mmathema Millicent Phori
Programme Director: Canon Revd Mkhuseli Sobantwana
1. Intro hymn: Tswana 146
2. Requiem:
3. Celebrant : Ven David Mahlonoko
4. Syanxist: Revd Thabo Rafuku
5. Uzuku: Gloria sung in Xhosa
6. Morena re hauhele/Lord have Mercy sung in Sotho
7. Scripture reading: Revd Nondlazi
8. Psalm:
9. Gradual Hymn: Tswana 86
10. Gospel: Revd Esme’ Elbrecht
11. Sermon: Revd Joseph Raditlhalo
12. Prayer in APB page 563: Revd Netta Gallant
13. Message of greetings/Condolences: Canon Revd Mkhuseli
14. Eucharist: Celebrant