Page 20 - tenant handbook final_Neat
P. 20
Garbage and Recycling
Red Door Housing Society struggles with the issues of recycling and gar-
bage dumping on our sites. We have the proper bins for recycling that
are clearly marked but still some tenants can’t seem to get the proper
items in the proper bins or in some cases in the bins at all. This may
seem like no big deal but the mess created not only attracts Rats, Ra-
coons and in some cases bears and someone has to clean it up and it is a
costly unnecessary expense. If the Society spends money on this it can’t
spend money on the units or improving the complexes. It may also in the
future when Red Door is no longer funded by BC Housing force rent in-
creases that are not rent geared to income. This is your home recycle
properly and do not dump your larger items on the site.