Page 328 - madame-bovary
P. 328
he came straight to his pupil, and, planting himself in front
of him with crossed arms—
‘Have you every vice, then, little wretch? Take care! you
are on a downward path. Did not you reflect that this infa-
mous book might fall in the hands of my children, kindle a
spark in their minds, tarnish the purity of Athalie, corrupt
Napoleon. He is already formed like a man. Are you quite
sure, anyhow, that they have not read it? Can you certify to
‘But really, sir,’ said Emma, ‘you wished to tell me—‘
‘Ah, yes! madame. Your father-in-law is dead.’
In fact, Monsieur Bovary senior had expired the evening
before suddenly from an attack of apoplexy as he got up
from table, and by way of greater precaution, on account
of Emma’s sensibility, Charles had begged Homais to break
the horrible news to her gradually. Homais had thought
over his speech; he had rounded, polished it, made it rhyth-
mical; it was a masterpiece of prudence and transitions, of
subtle turns and delicacy; but anger had got the better of
Emma, giving up all chance of hearing any details, left
the pharmacy; for Monsieur Homais had taken up the
thread of his vituperations. However, he was growing calm-
er, and was now grumbling in a paternal tone whilst he
fanned himself with his skull-cap.
‘It is not that I entirely disapprove of the work. Its author
was a doctor! There are certain scientific points in it that it
is not ill a man should know, and I would even venture to
say that a man must know. But later—later! At any rate, not