Page 358 - madame-bovary
P. 358

her ears tingled as if gold pieces, bursting from their bags,
       rang all round her on the floor. At last Lheureux explained
       that he had a very good friend, Vincart, a broker at Rouen,
       who would discount these four bills. Then he himself would
       hand over to madame the remainder after the actual debt
       was paid.
          But instead of two thousand francs he brought only eigh-
       teen hundred, for the friend Vincart (which was only fair)
       had deducted two hundred francs for commission and dis-
       count. Then he carelessly asked for a receipt.
         ‘You  understand—in  business—sometimes.  And  with
       the date, if you please, with the date.’
         A horizon of realisable whims opened out before Emma.
       She was prudent enough to lay by a thousand crowns, with
       which the first three bills were paid when they fell due; but
       the fourth, by chance, came to the house on a Thursday, and
       Charles, quite upset, patiently awaited his wife’s return for
       an explanation.
          If she had not told him about this bill, it was only to spare
       him such domestic worries; she sat on his knees, caressed
       him, cooed to him, gave him a long enumeration of all the
       indispensable things that had been got on credit.
         ‘Really,  you  must  confess,  considering  the  quantity,  it
       isn’t too dear.’
          Charles, at his wit’s end, soon had recourse to the eter-
       nal Lheureux, who swore he would arrange matters if the
       doctor would sign him two bills, one of which was for sev-
       en hundred francs, payable in three months. In order to
       arrange for this he wrote his mother a pathetic letter. In-
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