Page 214 - of-human-bondage-
P. 214

          Miss Wilkinson was dissatisfied with her lot. She resent-
       ed having to earn her living and told Philip a long story of
       an uncle of her mother’s, who had been expected to leave
       her a fortune but had married his cook and changed his
       will. She hinted at the luxury of her home and compared
       her life in Lincolnshire, with horses to ride and carriages
       to drive in, with the mean dependence of her present state.
       Philip  was  a  little  puzzled  when  he  mentioned  this  after-
       wards to Aunt Louisa, and she told him that when she knew
       the Wilkinsons they had never had anything more than a
       pony and a dog-cart; Aunt Louisa had heard of the rich un-
       cle, but as he was married and had children before Emily
       was born she could never have had much hope of inherit-
       ing his fortune. Miss Wilkinson had little good to say of
       Berlin, where she was now in a situation. She complained
       of the vulgarity of German life, and compared it bitterly
       with the brilliance of Paris, where she had spent a number
       of years. She did not say how many. She had been govern-
       ess in the family of a fashionable portrait-painter, who had
       married a Jewish wife of means, and in their house she had
       met  many  distinguished  people.  She  dazzled  Philip  with
       their names. Actors from the Comedie Francaise had come
       to the house frequently, and Coquelin, sitting next her at
       dinner, had told her he had never met a foreigner who spoke
       such perfect French. Alphonse Daudet had come also, and
       he had given her a copy of Sappho: he had promised to write
       her name in it, but she had forgotten to remind him. She
       treasured the volume none the less and she would lend it to

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