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P. 267


               t the end of the year there was a great deal to do. Philip
           Awent to various places with a clerk named Thompson
            and  spent  the  day  monotonously  calling  out  items  of  ex-
           penditure, which the other checked; and sometimes he was
            given long pages of figures to add up. He had never had a
           head for figures, and he could only do this slowly. Thomp-
            son grew irritated at his mistakes. His fellow-clerk was a
            long, lean man of forty, sallow, with black hair and a ragged
           moustache; he had hollow cheeks and deep lines on each
            side of his nose. He took a dislike to Philip because he was
            an  articled  clerk.  Because  he  could  put  down  three  hun-
            dred  guineas  and  keep  himself  for  five  years  Philip  had
           the chance of a career; while he, with his experience and
            ability, had no possibility of ever being more than a clerk
            at thirty-five shillings a week. He was a cross-grained man,
            oppressed by a large family, and he resented the supercil-
           iousness which he fancied he saw in Philip. He sneered at
           Philip  because  he  was  better  educated  than  himself,  and
           he mocked at Philip’s pronunciation; he could not forgive
           him because he spoke without a cockney accent, and when
           he talked to him sarcastically exaggerated his aitches. At
           first his manner was merely gruff and repellent, but as he
            discovered that Philip had no gift for accountancy he took
           pleasure in humiliating him; his attacks were gross and silly,

                                               Of Human Bondage
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