Page 291 - of-human-bondage-
P. 291

‘Miss  Price  dislikes  me  because  I  have  humour,’  said
           Clutton, looking meditatively at his canvas, ‘but she detests
           me because I have genius.’
              He  spoke  with  solemnity,  and  his  colossal,  misshapen
           nose made what he said very quaint. Philip was obliged to
            laugh, but Miss Price grew darkly red with anger.
              ‘You’re the only person who has ever accused you of ge-
              ‘Also I am the only person whose opinion is of the least
           value to me.’
              Miss Price began to criticise what Philip had done. She
           talked glibly of anatomy and construction, planes and lines,
            and of much else which Philip did not understand. She had
            been at the studio a long time and knew the main points
           which  the  masters  insisted  upon,  but  though  she  could
            show what was wrong with Philip’s work she could not tell
           him how to put it right.
              ‘It’s awfully kind of you to take so much trouble with me,’
            said Philip.
              ‘Oh,  it’s  nothing,’  she  answered,  flushing  awkwardly.
           ‘People did the same for me when I first came, I’d do it for
              ‘Miss Price wants to indicate that she is giving you the ad-
           vantage of her knowledge from a sense of duty rather than
            on account of any charms of your person,’ said Clutton.
              Miss Price gave him a furious look, and went back to her
            own drawing. The clock struck twelve, and the model with
            a cry of relief stepped down from the stand.
              Miss Price gathered up her things.

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