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round objects with a black line, the world will see the black
       line, and there will be a black line; and if we paint grass red
       and cows blue, it’ll see them red and blue, and, by Heaven,
       they will be red and blue.’
         ‘To hell with art,’ murmured Flanagan. ‘I want to get gin-
          Lawson took no notice of the interruption.
         ‘Now look here, when Olympia was shown at the Salon,
       Zola—amid the jeers of the Philistines and the hisses of the
       pompiers, the academicians, and the public, Zola said: ‘I
       look forward to the day when Manet’s picture will hang in
       the Louvre opposite the Odalisque of Ingres, and it will not
       be the Odalisque which will gain by comparison.’ It’ll be
       there. Every day I see the time grow nearer. In ten years the
       Olympia will be in the Louvre.’
         ‘Never,’  shouted  the  American,  using  both  hands  now
       with  a  sudden  desperate  attempt  to  get  his  hair  once  for
       all out of the way. ‘In ten years that picture will be dead.
       It’s only a fashion of the moment. No picture can live that
       hasn’t got something which that picture misses by a mil-
       lion miles.’
         ‘And what is that?’
         ‘Great art can’t exist without a moral element.’
         ‘Oh  God!’  cried  Lawson  furiously.  ‘I  knew  it  was  that.
       He wants morality.’ He joined his hands and held them to-
       wards heaven in supplication. ‘Oh, Christopher Columbus,
       Christopher Columbus, what did you do when you discov-
       ered America?’
         ‘Ruskin says...’

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