Page 318 - of-human-bondage-
P. 318

ed in execrable French.
         ‘Je vous paye pour m’apprendre.’
          His eyes flashed with rage, he raised his voice and shook
       his fist.
         ‘Mais, nom de Dieu, I can’t teach you. I could more easily
       teach a camel.’ He turned to Mrs. Otter. ‘Ask her, does she
       do this for amusement, or does she expect to earn money
       by it?’
         ‘I’m going to earn my living as an artist,’ Miss Price an-
         ‘Then it is my duty to tell you that you are wasting your
       time. It would not matter that you have no talent, talent does
       not run about the streets in these days, but you have not the
       beginning of an aptitude. How long have you been here? A
       child of five after two lessons would draw better than you
       do.  I  only  say  one  thing  to  you,  give  up  this  hopeless  at-
       tempt. You’re more likely to earn your living as a bonne a
       tout faire than as a painter. Look.’
          He seized a piece of charcoal, and it broke as he applied it
       to the paper. He cursed, and with the stump drew great firm
       lines. He drew rapidly and spoke at the same time, spitting
       out the words with venom.
         ‘Look, those arms are not the same length. That knee, it’s
       grotesque. I tell you a child of five. You see, she’s not stand-
       ing on her legs. That foot!’
          With each word the angry pencil made a mark, and in
       a moment the drawing upon which Fanny Price had spent
       so  much  time  and  eager  trouble  was  unrecognisable,  a
       confusion of lines and smudges. At last he flung down the

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