Page 428 - of-human-bondage-
P. 428

‘Are you taking the Conjoint?’ he asked Philip.
         ‘Yes, I want to get qualified as soon as I can.’
         ‘I’m taking it too, but I shall take the F. R. C. S. after-
       wards. I’m going in for surgery.’
          Most  of  the  students  took  the  curriculum  of  the  Con-
       joint Board of the College of Surgeons and the College of
       Physicians; but the more ambitious or the more industrious
       added to this the longer studies which led to a degree from
       the University of London. When Philip went to St. Luke’s
       changes  had  recently  been  made  in  the  regulations,  and
       the course took five years instead of four as it had done for
       those who registered before the autumn of 1892. Dunsford
       was well up in his plans and told Philip the usual course of
       events. The ‘first conjoint’ examination consisted of biology,
       anatomy, and chemistry; but it could be taken in sections,
       and most fellows took their biology three months after en-
       tering the school. This science had been recently added to
       the list of subjects upon which the student was obliged to
       inform himself, but the amount of knowledge required was
       very small.
          When Philip went back to the dissecting-room, he was
       a few minutes late, since he had forgotten to buy the loose
       sleeves  which  they  wore  to  protect  their  shirts,  and  he
       found a number of men already working. His partner had
       started on the minute and was busy dissecting out cutane-
       ous nerves. Two others were engaged on the second leg, and
       more were occupied with the arms.
         ‘You don’t mind my having started?’
         ‘That’s all right, fire away,’ said Philip.
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