Page 446 - of-human-bondage-
P. 446


          hilip arrived at Victoria Station nearly half an hour be-
       Pfore  the  time  which  Mildred  had  appointed,  and  sat
       down in the second-class waiting-room. He waited and she
       did not come. He began to grow anxious, and walked into
       the  station  watching  the  incoming  suburban  trains;  the
       hour which she had fixed passed, and still there was no sign
       of her. Philip was impatient. He went into the other waiting-
       rooms and looked at the people sitting in them. Suddenly
       his heart gave a great thud.
         ‘There you are. I thought you were never coming.’
         ‘I like that after keeping me waiting all this time. I had
       half a mind to go back home again.’
         ‘But  you  said  you’d  come  to  the  second-class  waiting-
         ‘I didn’t say any such thing. It isn’t exactly likely I’d sit in
       the second-class room when I could sit in the first is it?’
         Though Philip was sure he had not made a mistake, he
       said nothing, and they got into a cab.
         ‘Where are we dining?’ she asked.
         ‘I thought of the Adelphi Restaurant. Will that suit you?’
         ‘I don’t mind where we dine.’
          She spoke ungraciously. She was put out by being kept
       waiting and answered Philip’s attempt at conversation with
       monosyllables. She wore a long cloak of some rough, dark
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