P. 15

The Island of Doctor Moreau

                                             III. THE STRANGE FACE.

                                     WE left the cabin and found a man at the companion
                                  obstructing our way. He was standing on the ladder with
                                  his back to us, peering over the combing of the hatchway.
                                  He was, I could see, a misshapen man, short, broad, and
                                  clumsy, with a crooked back,  a hairy neck, and a head
                                  sunk between his shoulders. He was dressed in dark-blue
                                  serge, and had peculiarly thick, coarse, black hair. I heard
                                  the unseen dogs growl furiously, and forthwith he ducked
                                  back,— coming into contact with the hand I put out to
                                  fend him off from myself.  He turned with animal
                                     In some indefinable way the black face thus flashed
                                  upon me shocked me profoundly. It was a singularly
                                  deformed one. The facial part projected, forming
                                  something dimly suggestive of a muzzle, and the huge
                                  half-open mouth showed as big white teeth as I had ever
                                  seen in a human mouth. His eyes were blood-shot at the
                                  edges, with scarcely a rim of white round the hazel pupils.
                                  There was a curious glow of excitement in his face.
                                     ‘Confound you!’ said Montgomery. ‘Why the devil
                                  don’t you get out of the way?’

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