Page 37 - the-idiot
P. 37
be plenty of time to take a room in some hotel by the eve-
‘Oh, then you DO intend to take a room?’
‘Of course.’
‘To judge from your words, you came straight to my
house with the intention of staying there.’
‘That could only have been on your invitation. I confess,
however, that I should not have stayed here even if you had
invited me, not for any particular reason, but because it is—
well, contrary to my practice and nature, somehow.’
‘Oh, indeed! Then it is perhaps as well that I neither DID
invite you, nor DO invite you now. Excuse me, prince, but
we had better make this matter clear, once for all. We have
just agreed that with regard to our relationship there is not
much to be said, though, of course, it would have been very
delightful to us to feel that such relationship did actually
exist; therefore, perhaps—‘
‘Therefore, perhaps I had better get up and go away?’ said
the prince, laughing merrily as he rose from his place; just
as merrily as though the circumstances were by no means
strained or difficult. ‘And I give you my word, general, that
though I know nothing whatever of manners and customs
of society, and how people live and all that, yet I felt quite
sure that this visit of mine would end exactly as it has ended
now. Oh, well, I suppose it’s all right; especially as my letter
was not answered. Well, good-bye, and forgive me for hav-
ing disturbed you!’
The prince’s expression was so good-natured at this
moment, and so entirely free from even a suspicion of un-
The Idiot