Page 586 - women-in-love
P. 586

wards—I felt I was a whole ROOMFUL of women. I was
         no more myself to him, than I was Queen Victoria. I was a
         whole roomful of women at once. It was most astounding!
         But my eye, I’d caught a Sultan that time—‘
            Gudrun’s  eyes  were  flashing,  her  cheek  was  hot,  she
         looked  strange,  exotic,  satiric.  Ursula  was  fascinated  at
         once—and yet uneasy.
            They had to get ready for dinner. Gudrun came down in
         a daring gown of vivid green silk and tissue of gold, with
         green  velvet  bodice  and  a  strange  black-and-white  band
         round her hair. She was really brilliantly beautiful and every-
         body noticed her. Gerald was in that full-blooded, gleaming
         state when he was most handsome. Birkin watched them
         with  quick,  laughing,  half-sinister  eyes,  Ursula  quite  lost
         her head. There seemed a spell, almost a blinding spell, cast
         round their table, as if they were lighted up more strongly
         than the rest of the dining-room.
            ‘Don’t you love to be in this place?’ cried Gudrun. ‘Isn’t
         the snow wonderful! Do you notice how it exalts everything?
         It is simply marvellous. One really does feel LIBERMEN-
         SCHLICH—more than human.’
            ‘One does,’ cried Ursula. ‘But isn’t that partly the being
         out of England?’
            ‘Oh, of course,’ cried Gudrun. ‘One could never feel like
         this in England, for the simple reason that the damper is
         NEVER lifted off one, there. It is quite impossible really to
         let go, in England, of that I am assured.’
            And she turned again to the food she was eating. She was
         fluttering with vivid intensity.

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