Page 607 - women-in-love
P. 607

tain tops, folding her round with his arms.
            ‘I couldn’t bear this cold, eternal place without you,’ he
         said. ‘I couldn’t bear it, it would kill the quick of my life.’
            She kissed him again, suddenly.
            ‘Do you hate it?’ she asked, puzzled, wondering.
            ‘If  I  couldn’t  come  near  to  you,  if  you  weren’t  here,  I
         should hate it. I couldn’t bear it,’ he answered.
            ‘But the people are nice,’ she said.
            ‘I mean the stillness, the cold, the frozen eternality,’ he
            She wondered. Then her spirit came home to him, nest-
         ling unconscious in him.
            ‘Yes, it is good we are warm and together,’ she said.
            And they turned home again. They saw the golden lights
         of the hotel glowing out in the night of snow-silence, small
         in the hollow, like a cluster of yellow berries. It seemed like
         a bunch of sun-sparks, tiny and orange in the midst of the
         snow-darkness. Behind, was a high shadow of a peak, blot-
         ting out the stars, like a ghost.
            They drew near to their home. They saw a man come
         from the dark building, with a lighted lantern which swung
         golden,  and  made  that  his  dark  feet  walked  in  a  halo  of
         snow. He was a small, dark figure in the darkened snow. He
         unlatched the door of an outhouse. A smell of cows, hot,
         animal, almost like beef, came out on the heavily cold air.
         There was a glimpse of two cattle in their dark stalls, then
         the door was shut again, and not a chink of light showed. It
         had reminded Ursula again of home, of the Marsh, of her
         childhood, and of the journey to Brussels, and, strangely, of

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