Page 643 - women-in-love
P. 643

mouredly. ‘She was the middle-aged wife of some Earl or
         other, who covered herself with her long hair.’
            ‘A  la  Maud  Allan,’  said  Gudrun  with  a  mocking  gri-
            ‘Why  Maud  Allan?’  he  replied.  ‘Isn’t  it  so?  I  always
         thought the legend was that.’
            ‘Yes, Gerald dear, I’m quite SURE you’ve got the legend
            She was laughing at him, with a little, mock-caressive
            ‘To be sure, I’d rather see the woman than the hair,’ he
         laughed in return.
            ‘Wouldn’t you just!’ mocked Gudrun.
            Ursula rose and went away, leaving the three together.
            Gudrun  took  the  picture  again  from  Gerald,  and  sat
         looking at it closely.
            ‘Of course,’ she said, turning to tease Loerke now, ‘you
         UNDERSTOOD your little Malschulerin.’
            He raised his eyebrows and his shoulders in a compla-
         cent shrug.
            ‘The little girl?’ asked Gerald, pointing to the figure.
            Gudrun  was  sitting  with  the  picture  in  her  lap.  She
         looked up at Gerald, full into his eyes, so that he seemed to
         be blinded.
            ‘DIDN’T  he  understand  her!’  she  said  to  Gerald,  in  a
         slightly  mocking,  humorous  playfulness.  ‘You’ve  only  to
         look at the feet—AREN’T they darling, so pretty and ten-
         der—oh, they’re really wonderful, they are really—‘
            She lifted her eyes slowly, with a hot, flaming look into

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