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be recorded in the book of Fate. For ten long years I roved
            about, living first in one capital, then another: sometimes in
           St. Petersburg; oftener in Paris; occasionally in Rome, Na-
           ples, and Florence. Provided with plenty of money and the
           passport of an old name, I could choose my own society: no
            circles were closed against me. I sought my ideal of a woman
            amongst English ladies, French countesses, Italian signoras,
            and  German  grafinnen.  I  could  not  find  her.  Sometimes,
           for a fleeting moment, I thought I caught a glance, heard
            a tone, beheld a form, which announced the realisation of
           my dream: but I was presently undeserved. You are not to
            suppose that I desired perfection, either of mind or person.
           I longed only for what suited me—for the antipodes of the
           Creole: and I longed vainly. Amongst them all I found not
            one whom, had I been ever so free, I—warned as I was of the
           risks,  the  horrors,  the  loathings  of  incongruous  unions—
           would have asked to marry me. Disappointment made me
           reckless. I tried dissipation—never debauchery: that I hated,
            and hate. That was my Indian Messalina’s attribute: rooted
            disgust at it and her restrained me much, even in pleasure.
           Any enjoyment that bordered on riot seemed to approach
           me to her and her vices, and I eschewed it.
              ‘Yet I could not live alone; so I tried the companionship
            of mistresses. The first I chose was Celine Varens—anoth-
            er of those steps which make a man spurn himself when
           he recalls them. You already know what she was, and how
           my liaison with her terminated. She had two successors: an
           Italian,  Giacinta,  and  a  German,  Clara;  both  considered
            singularly handsome. What was their beauty to me in a few

                                                     Jane Eyre
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