Page 848 - middlemarch
P. 848

fore we were married, and there have been expenses since
       which  I  have  been  obliged  to  meet.  The  consequence  is,
       there is a large debt at Brassing—three hundred and eighty
       pounds—which has been pressing on me a good while, and
       in fact we are getting deeper every day, for people don’t pay
       me the faster because others want the money. I took pains
       to keep it from you while you were not well; but now we
       must think together about it, and you must help me.’
         ‘What  can—I—do,  Tertius?’  said  Rosamond,  turning
       her eyes on him again. That little speech of four words, like
       so many others in all languages, is capable by varied vo-
       cal inflections of expressing all states of mind from helpless
       dimness to exhaustive argumentative perception, from the
       completest  self-devoting  fellowship  to  the  most  neutral
       aloofness. Rosamond’s thin utterance threw into the words
       ‘What can—I—do!’ as much neutrality as they could hold.
       They fell like a mortal chill on Lydgate’s roused tenderness.
       He did not storm in indignation— he felt too sad a sinking
       of the heart. And when he spoke again it was more in the
       tone of a man who forces himself to fulfil a task.
         ‘It is necessary for you to know, because I have to give
       security for a time, and a man must come to make an inven-
       tory of the furniture.’
          Rosamond colored deeply. ‘Have you not asked papa for
       money?’ she said, as soon as she could speak.
         ‘Then I must ask him!’ she said, releasing her hands from
       Lydgate’s, and rising to stand at two yards’ distance from
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